Bats Patrol 2000 Syllabus

(Version 2.0 For Secure Online Use) No Phone #'s/Last Names)

Welcome everyone to the Bats Patrol! I am proud that I was re-elected as Patrol Leader! This year I would like to earn a lot of Honor Patrol beads. Last year they were not important. But, this year the Bats Patrol will emphasize around those beads to be the best patrol we can possibly be! Each month our patrol will be asked to carry out an activity or two. I will probably need help from every scout in the Bats patrol to succeed in a flag ceremony, game, or program. However in this syllabus I would like to introduce our first project: we will be producing a movie called SWAT. If you have a speaking part, I ask that you memorize all of your lines by next week.

Now, in order to obtain spirit beads I need you to do the following:

  1. WEAR your uniform: socks, closed shoes, SCOUT SHORTS, scout shirt, belt, and have your registration card in reach.
  2. COME ready to yell our yell. Whenever you hear me count to three, on three yell our yell which is: We’re a fright in the night! And always have a smile on your face!
  3. SHOW UP! Unless you are sick or something… If you drop out from scouts or you won’t be able to make it to the meeting call me Carl K (please refer to your Troop 148 Roster for my number and all numbers).
  4. BE PREPARED (i.e. if I told you to memorize lines for our production come with the lines memorized.)

The leadership in the Bat Patrol is as follows:

Carl K. - Patrol Leader is responsible for carrying out orders by the Senior Patrol Leader who is Adam S.

Mac F.- Assistant Patrol Leader is responsible for backing up the Patrol Leader who is Carl K.

David W.- Troop Guide is responsible for teaching the new scouts basic scout skills.

Thank You for Reading This Syllabus!